Tuesday, December 9, 2008

je reve de neige

it snowed today. i took out my camera (film still looks better you digital Fascists), which had been sitting in my closet since January last - when I arrived in my rainy French wonderland.

i sat in my so-called pied-a-terre, and i opened the window and inhaled the cold, wintery Parisair. and i watched the big flakes fall, and i clicked away with manual focus.

they didn't stick.

but a girl can hope . . .

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Don't Ever Go To Pisa

Often, hip and youthful Americans living abroad, particularly those in Paris, maintain an online journal detailing their exotic new home and life. These weblogs, or "blogs," as they are called by those in the 'know,' are then shared with friends and family members and random non-acquaintances as proof of the superiority of the blogger's oh-so-cultured-and-counter-American-culture existence. That is the first purpose of these humble writings. The second, and foremost, purpose of these journals is to score a book deal.

The trajectory proceeds as such: Blogger's writing doesn't suck (a lot). Blog fulfills primary American Abroad narrative criteria - I 1) moved to Paris/Barcelona/Florence, I 2) got my heart broken/fell in love/had impromptu sex on a futon with a European/bought really cool shoes/all of the above, and then, suddenly, I 3)discovered I could speak the language/found myself homeless/knocked-up/in jail, whereupon I 4)founded a wildly successful international dot-com/called that random guy I know at the Embassy to bail me out/found my true calling as a post-modernist slam-poet. In the end, I realized that 5)America really is the best/everything is more romantic in Paris-Barcelona-Florence/syphilis can be cured with penicillin. Blogger then strategically builds readership while teaching business English to pay rent. Blogger secures the notice of Small-Time Publisher who happens to be having an affair with Big-Time Publisher who steals Small-Time's manuscripts and clients away, thus securing Blogger their first book deal/heartless act of self-promotion. Finally, Blogger's book will be introduced to the (American) world with tepid acclaim. It will detail all of the above adventures, plus act as an off-color European travel guide with biting regional commentaries such as:

"People go to Rome to see historic works of art. People go to Pisa to see a historic fuck-up."

Of course, this weblog aspires to no such literary heights. Here, we're happy just to get spell-check's approval. (Currently we are falling short with "weblog." Irony is our friend.) So, while other, more enterprising bloggers fill their Macbooks with tales of love and triumph over European adversity, we will be at home with our cats, haphazardly typing our Mad Libs Moveable Feast.

Monday, July 28, 2008

You two-timing SonofaBlog

It's true what they say: not everyone is capable of being monogamous.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Phrase Book

As I am learning French, I often find that the French word for something is almost exactly like the English word. For instance: tennis=tennis, racisme=racism, superficiel=superficial. This makes learning French vocabulary infinitely easier than learning, say, Inuit vocabulary. All that is needed, really, to complete the cultural transformation from American to French, is a cartoonish French accent added to each word to properly translate the language. It is also helpful to know that in La France, some phrases are exact translations of the American English.

For instance: when a grungy dirty man sitting across the aisle from you on the crowded Metro "accidentally" "falls" out of his chair during a minor curve of the ride and reaches out to grab the "nearest" thing to him to keep from "falling" on the floor, and, instead of grabbing the pole between the two of you, he steadies himself by pawing your luscious breast, then the following phrase is an appropriate response in both languages -
"If you fucking touch me again I will fucking kill you!"

The only difference between the American and French deliveries is that, in America, you might follow the phrase with a spray of mace in the man's eyes, while in France, simply leaning in uncomfortably close and pointing your finger in his face will suffice. It may seem to the inexperienced Metro rider that such colloquial wording would not make sense in French, but I can guarantee you (judging by the look of sheer fear in the jackass's eyes), no translation is needed.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vin Rouge/Similes

My cats are like Perfection, but they shed more.

Friends are like enemies, but more pleasant.

Lust is like disgust, but more palpable.

Lawns are like Hummers, but more standard.

Laughing is like crying, but more people are involved.

Twinkies are like the 1st Amendment, but more unnecessary.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Not Forgetting

A year ago, my friend Amie died suddenly in Evanston, IL. I couldn't be there to say goodbye, but I sent this tribute:

Lentil soup. It may seem strange that when I think of Amie I think of soup, but that’s two Italian women for you. Amie knew this was my favorite dish at the house. On those special days, it was the first thing she said to me as I stumbled downstairs for breakfast. “Lentil soup today!” she said. It always made my morning - not just the anticipation, but also the joy that someone else understood my obsession with Tuscan country food. We used to grade the revolving door of Chi Omega chefs on their skill at this particular dish. Were there enough vegetables? Was the stock seasoned? Did they use good olive oil? As a vegetarian Italian (which Amie assured me there was no such thing), she would warn me if the chef used meat in the soup. Although I know sometimes she lied because the chef himself would come out and brag about the great pancetta he had added, and then ask me not to tell the vegetarians.

The last time I saw Amie was over a year ago at a wedding in Evanston. I don’t remember what she was wearing, but I remember thinking she looked great. Not great – stunning. She was beaming, full of life. That’s how I always thought of her – this strong, beautiful Italian woman that I always wanted to laugh with and never wanted to cross. At the wedding, she told me about a trip she was planning for that summer. She was going to tour Puglia with her family and maybe make an annual tour out of it. I don’t know if she ever took that trip, but I hope she did. I hope she ate pasta 'til she got sick. I hope she drove those Italian men crazy with her blond hair and big smile. And I hope she brought back an even better recipe for lentil soup.

In Rare Form Out of Context

Fletcher stumbles out of his chair and navigates through the drunken melee to the living room.


When he gets to the snack table, the Cheetos are gone. He grabs a girl who is holding a Heineken. She is AMBER, a sorority girl with a beer-belly.

Amber. Cheetos. Where are the Cheetos?

I didn’t buy any Cheetos, Fletcher.

Yes you did. I saw them on the
table, but now they’re gone.

Dude, you need to lay off the weed.
I didn’t buy Cheetos.

Dude, I just saw--

No you didn’t, because my couch is new.


Amber has her back turned to the couch. Beside the couch, a KEG sits on a table, in ice. TWO GUYS sit on the couch and attach a CONDOM to the keg tap. The condom starts to fill with beer, getting larger, and larger - Amber does not notice.

I just picked up the couch from
Salvation Army, right? And it’s
“like new,” right? The fabric is all
eggshell, and the Cheetos are just
orange. You know, like the cheesy
factor of the Cheetos is artificial
orange, right? And I spent all my money
on Heineken, so I can’t afford the
fabric cleaner, and they didn’t have
any chocolate tones at the Salvation
Army, so I was forced into this
eggshell, which complements the rug and
all, but just doesn’t do well with
artificial orange. So I went with Sour
Cream and Onion Ruffles. I mean, do you
see what I’m saying? The couch is new--

The condom EXPLODES, spewing beer all over Amber’s eggshell couch.

Fletcher pushes past Amber towards a latter-day Bob Marley, who sits on the floor staring at lava lamp, mesmerized. He is CARL, and he is stoned.

It’s like, all the colors live in
harmony. . .

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Anachronism Now

I like the smell of old books.

Have you ever heard the sound of 16mm film rolling through a Bolex camera? It sounds like the smell of old books. I can't explain it, but they're the same. I like old books and old movies and old dogs. And Kris Kristofferson. Do you know how Ella Fitzgerald sounds better on vinyl? I mean her voice actually sounds better -

And the sound of a "Y" key being struck on a Remington typewriter - it sounds like the smell of stale cigar smoke that has soaked into the browned linoleum hallways of a battered office building.

I don't know why I like these things.

Ode to Public Transportation

8 days ago
I was riding the 92 bus
and the bus stopped at l'Ecole Militaire
I looked out the window
at the bus stop bench
and there sat a woman

she was older than 60
but younger than 70
she wore a bright red dress that buttoned all the way down the front
and hose
she had bright bleached hair
she held a mirror

the woman was primping
she was applying lipstick
I thought at first
but on the 92 bus I was wrong

the old lady in the red dress on the bench at the bus stop
held a mirror in her left hand
held tweezers in her right hand
and waited for the 82 bus and plucked her mustache

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Word Artisan: The Game

It's a Scavenger Hunt.
Can you find these words in the glass menagerie of Paris?

I write knowing you will know my words.
You will hear them in your sleep,
each word an arrow in your quiver
poised to defend the
virtuous arena of your dreams.

[I will give you a clue: FondationCartier.]

Hurry! The game is over June 22.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Replacement Rooster

I have not yet written that requisite post about the joys of living in Paris - the baguettes, the dusk light bouncing off the Seine, the spring tulips blooming in Jardin du Luxembourg, blah blah blât. Part of the reason that post is missing from this blog is because I secretly despise gay Paris. I mourn my lost City of Angels.

I feel my ache most acutely in the early mornings. In Paris, I am greeted at 5:30 in the morning (thank you, jetlag) by the awakening birds outside my window. Although, I am beginning to suspect that these birds are not, in fact, waking up so much as stumbling home drunk from a long night out at the bird baths and calling out to their friends across the street [translated from bird French] "Yo Larry! You see that tight mockingbitch on the esplanade? Yeah, I was like, 'Tweet.' And she was all, 'Tweet?' And then we ate worms. Hey check out my plume!" [Bird bends over and flashes his nether-feathers.]

The obnoxiously lush secret garden-cum-courtyard in my building attracts these wanton warblers. They mingle in large crowds and "sing" to each other at the slightest sign of daybreak. Though Summer readily approaches (contrary to what the weather would indicate), I can hardly avoid this sound of Spring. Coupled with the annoyingly sonorous clang of St. François Xavier church bells, which awake me during my mid-morning naps (again, apropos jetlag), this Parisian racket does not encourage sleep or affection. Most nights, I fall asleep dreaming of my former home.

Spending every night year-round with my windows flung open, as most Angelos are wont to do, I was lulled into slumber at night by that quintessential Los Angeles institution: the homeless man and his shopping cart. Rattling his iron home down the back alley my window faced, he performed his civic duty of recycling every aluminum can in every dumpster. Since the Los Angeles landscape is a panorama of apartment buildings and Diet Coke-addicts, my friend had much terrain to cover each night. Like an apocalyptic reverse-Santa Claus, he had to retrieve his treasures from all the dumpsters in the city during the dark hours when the town's children slept.

The clang of aluminum echoing off the asphalt. The sweet music of drunk men arguing next door. The soothing sound of my neighbor yelling, "I've called the cops!"
How I miss my Hollywood life.

O L.A.! I will return to you, my love. I will come back for you - right after I finish my baguette . . .

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Darwin at a Wedding

I am a Good Person.

Tonight, at the rehearsal dinner, my dear Compatriot regaled the table of bridesmaids with one of my classic Anonymous encounters: the tale of another wedding, another time, another bride.

Another win.

In a town called Racine, approximately 70 miles north of Chicago, deep in the anals of Wisconsin, past the cheese stores and porn shops of I-94, stands a plain-folked banquet hall. Inside, a crowd had gathered to celebrate the passing of a girlfriend into the chamber of the betrothed. The groom, a dear man, hailed from the area. Seated at the table with my (obviously, necessarily catty) sorority sisters, we engaged in such classic Wisconsin party games as "First person to spot a Packers jacket gets a buck" and "First person to spot a mullet wins," the latter game being finished as soon as it was announced. It was the kind of reception where cousin Randy bought the girls a round of Buttery Nipple shots and then tried in vain not to stare at our cleavage as we drank them.

Once we were all liquored up, the real games began. Keeping with tradition, near the end of the party the bride tosses her bouquet for all the single ladies to catch. For those of you who don't know, I'm pretty competitive. I like to win. And I'm proud of that. Because the fact is, the world needs winners. The world needs people who take games seriously. The world needs people who rise above the fray and catch that bouquet. The world doesn't need losers. The world needs winners. And I came to play.

Incidentally, there were some other players that evening. One of whom was in a wheelchair.

I am a Good Person.

I took my stance on the left wing of the pack. Crouched down - keep your center of gravity low - better balance. Arms out - wide - straight-arms. It's not a foul if you don't use your elbows. Eyes focused - adrenaline pulsing - ready. I've got sorority girls pressing against my back; I feel the hot breath of female desperation on the back of my neck. The wheelchair crowds my peripheral vision. The bride snaps the bouquet. It's a pouch punt - not a lot of distance - hangs to the right.
The wheelchair has the better angle. But I've got the better vertical.
I leap - stretch - over the girl in the wheelchair -

I'm the champion!

Now. Some people may say that the playing field was not level. That, perhaps, some of us had certain mobility advantages over others. And other people may say that it's not who won, but how the game was played. You know who those people are? Losers.

I came to play. And I do not apologize for my competitive drive or my superior skillz. The world needs winners. And sometimes, being a Winner means stealing the prize from the handicapped girl.

As is custom, the Winner of the bouquet toss must then dance with the man who catches the garter. Can you guess?

Cousin Randy.

Darwin, may I introduce you to my good friend: Karma.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Grandfather's Name was Warner Pridemore Quillen Jr.

His friends called him "Pete."
I have a cousin named Pete. This is why.

Until recently, I did not know my grandfather's name. I had heard it, and I knew it was strange and hard to remember, so I didn't.

I did not know my grandfather. I know he died before I was born. I know he died of lung cancer and I know he smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day. I know my grandmother, so I know why.

These are the things I know.

There could be more, but I never asked. Asking requires words - words I did not have (I was not born with my words I found them in my travels); requires talking, communicating, hearing, listening, face-to-face contact, and many more slippery things that elude my grandfather's clan.

To recap:
My grandfather is dead.
I did not know him.

But, finally, I did that thing I should have done long ago. I did that thing that all people with families should do - that all people who want to know their people should do. That thing that gives us a past and a perspective. That thing I never thought I could do:

I googled my grandfather.

Google knows my grandfather.

In fact, until recently, Google knew more about my grandfather than I did. But no longer. Now, I am moving forward/looking backward. Now, I am winning the war against technology.
Now, I know:

My grandfather's name was Warner Pridemore Quillen Jr.
But his friends called him "Pete."

Friday, April 25, 2008

China: Not Just Communists

One more reason to love NPR. For those of you who are in dire need of news (the kind that involves journalism), cool new music (the kind that the radio doesn't play anymore), or fuzzy lovin', look no further than www.NPR.org.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008


Like any libidinous female of a certain age and political persuasion, I have a massive crush on Jon Stewart. It’s not a crush based on physicality – he’s not the sort of man I want to undress with my teeth - rather, it's a crush grounded in zoology.

I would like to hunt in the vast jungles of New York City until I find the elusive Jon Stewart. Then I will stalk this King of the Anchors until he is weary and unaware (usually right after he has gone for the proverbial kill of some old, lame Senator and is finished gorging himself on their hypocritical entrails). I tranquilize Jon Stewart! I capture him and spirit him away to my lair (but not before taking the requisite Glory Photo with me holding my ENORMOUS rifle, standing next to an unconscious [conquered] Jon Stewart). Once in my castle, I install him in an iron cage in my living room and tune the television to cable news. I ease into my distressed leather armchair, and I wait.

The Jon slowly awakens from his semi-stupor, clumsily wiping the drool from his face. The TV hums with MSNBC and CNN and Fox News. Olbermann disses O’Reilly who demonizes Dobbs who chastises Blitzer who misquotes Carville who slams Hume. The sound of familiar “debate” arouses the Jon. He hears the talking heads spewing their spin on the television, and he listens to the politicos stump.

Gradually, he begins to mock. His eyes roll. When he lays his head down on the desk in faux despondency, sarcasm drips from his mouth in a clear, steady stream. The TV shows footage of Powerful People making Important Announcements. Pretty soon, the dry humor overtakes the Jon. He is gesticulating wildly and shaking his head madly, and he rubs his eyes and throws his hands down on the desk and, exasperated, exclaims “He shot an old man in the face!”

I will squeal with delight! and clap! and giggle! and bounce up and down in my leather throne, all the while wishing that more Jon Stewarts were loose in the wild.

Monday, April 14, 2008


From my knowledge of the blogosphere, I am advised that my weblog (if it is to be) ought to have a thematic core. Here are some concepts that I have developed:

- "I solemnly vow never to join MySpace or Facebook."
- "I am Angry at the World and I'm Going to Tell You Why."
- "My Parents Didn't Pay Enough Attention to Me Because I was the Middle Child."
- "I am Smarter Than You."
- "Jazz Hands."
- "Deux Chats Noir á Paris."
- "Another Foreigner's Zany Adventures Learning to Live/Love in Paris with Handy Restaurant Recommendations and Metro Guide."
- "What is a Word Artisan and Why Won't They Stop Looking at Me and Whispering?"

Any ideas?

This is a test.

This is a test.

A test to determine if I really want to be Out There.

On the Internet.

The other day, I conducted another test. I Googled myself. In order to monitor the information about me that is disseminating on the world wide web. And I found very little - I was buried beneath other, lesser (or Grander), me's. My anonymity felt so warm and cozy. I was safe in a blanket of privacy. There was no one looking in the window, no one watching. When the whole world, not to mention your government, is watching everyone all the time, you can imagine how nice it feels to be independent and obscure. I can disappear into a new city, a new life, a new world, and they can't follow me.

Of course, despite my lack of Google-ability, my government was the first to find me. And summon me to jury duty. I don't even live in my country anymore!

All I want is to be left alone.

Well. . . That is arguably a fallacy.
In fact, much of this blog may turn out to be fallacious.

I'm married to Bruce Springsteen.

But you would never know . . .

I don't like this Internet.
I want to go back inside.