Monday, January 26, 2009

My Friend Kathryn is a much better Blogger than me

I am the only person who calls her Kathryn, so I feel safe using her real name in this post, as no one will know who I am speaking of. Kathryn is my oldest friend, in terms of years she has known me (19 years now) (holy bloody hell that's more years than an 18-year-old person)(I grow old . . . I grow old. . . I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled).

This is vital information because Kathryn has reappeared as a character in the life of this Word Artisan, after a brief sojourn in the morass of the post-college/married/careerified real world. We reconnected over a boy named Griffin, who Kathryn and I both fought for the undying affection of during Christmas holidays. Kathryn won the battle when she flashed him with her left breast. That is not to say that Kathryn has a more spectacular left breast than I - scandale! - but that she was quicker to the draw. These bosom buddies initially found each other again, though, due to the magnificent world of les blogs. In short, I googled her until I found her blog, read through many months of posts, discovered a reference to our invisible mutual friend Pedro the Monkey, and immediately emailed her.

To be sure, if Pedro had not alerted me to Kathryn's still-fabulousness/perpetual relevance in my life, then I may not have taken the electronic mail plunge. But he was there when we needed him most, as he was in the idyllic driveways of Bexhill.
So we are reunited.

And now, I have the dual pleasure and guilt of reading her lovely blog on a biweekly basis, reminding me on a biweekly basis of my blogging negligence. I do not recall my last post. This is my attempt to remedy that dearth. Being of weary mind and mediocre faculty, I will not scribe poetry. Instead, I will scribe a "tag". (Tags are when an online friend requests you to perform a task and then pass it on.) (This has no relation to genital warts.)

25 Things About Me

1. I have ugly mutant Hobbit feet.
2. I am a pork-loving vegetarian.
3. I will make it to Montana.
4. My first and only horse was a Paso Fino and was a good-natured, well-intentioned disaster.
5. I have never smoked a cigarette.
6. I am smarter than most bears.
7. I have never started a forest fire.
8. I respect Smokey the Bear.
9. One of my cats fetches.
10. My other cat retrieves.
11. I am addicted to tea.
12. I finally finished Angle of Repose last week. It only took me 14 months.
13. I like the smell of cedar.
14. I like the smell of permanent markers.
15. I am not a huffer.
16. I like beards. (on men. as opposed to goats, pigs, or reptiles.)
17. I am wearing a large gray scarf and watching a candle burn and being stared down/judged by Moxie at this very moment.
18. Spinach had me at Hello.
19. Tequila and I had an ugly breakup.
20. The reverend at my church has a Virginian drawl.
21. I do not iron.
22. Sledding is one of my happiest childhood memories.
23. I dream of snow.
24. I do not have a favorite movie.
25. I need mountains.

As a result, I believe the saying goes - you are it.


Kat said...

I love it! I feel so special! Can I put your blog on my bloglist?? That is the only reminder I have to check blogs...pretty please??

awordartisan said...

of course. i'd be honored.